
Not Goodbye but Hello: Closing a Chapter

Dear readers and followers,
      When I started this blog it wasn't my intention to ultimately ditch it at the end. I put a lot of time and pride in this blog and it is probably one of the best things I've accomplished. I've learned so much over the few months of having this blog which made me come to the decision to start a new blog. I just felt that this blog wasn't on the level that I wanted it to be and there was just not much  felt I could do with it. I just wanted to thank all of my readers and followers for sticking in there and helping me throughout this blogging experience and I hope you with be awesome enough to check out and follow my new blog sweet and lo. With this blog I'm going to to do exactly what I set out to do with Five Dimes For Nine Lives; be an all in all fashion blog. My photos will be better and my content will also be better. I'm really hoping I'm not loosing anyone by doing this but I could really use the support! As I close this chapter I just want to thank everyone again.

Later Days,

Ps.  Content will be posted in a week or so on my new blog !!!